Quarry Bay to Aldritch Bay Return (5.5km)

Location: Harbour Plaza North Point, 665 King's Road, Tsat Tsz Mui, Hong Kong
Another part of the Island waterfront.  This one takes in the section from Quary Bay down to Aldrich Bay.  Whilst not in the same league as the promenade at Ma On Shan, this gives some good off road running in a busy part of town.

Start by going to Java Road and Hei Yu Street just behind the Harbour Plaza Hotel.  The run starts by the Hong Kong and China Gas Limited Building (we aim to find all the glamorous locations) and head down towards the water.  There is a short stretch by the road but you will quickly come to the pet garden.  Early and later on it is possible to run through here with out finger wagging.  Just do it.  Then it is on to Quarry Bay Promenade, through the waterfront park and past the Alexander Grantham Fire Boat and on to Sai Wan Ho where you will need to skirt around the Grand Promenade complex before cutting back to the water front.  From here it is a case of following your nose to the end of the promenade and returning the way you came.

Distance: 5.5km
Type: Out and Back
Traffic: Around Sai Wan Ho
Refreshments: Various stops, Tai Hong Street in Sai Wan Ho
Getting There: MTR to Quarry Bay station then walk to behind Harbour Plaza North Point

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